

Taverna Casetelluccio -

Degustazione Tipica - typical tasting:

(centre) Tortino di pecorino e lenticchie con pere e aceto balsamico - (small tart of pecorino cheese and lentils with pear and balsamic vinegar)

(top) Termina di Castrato con spezie, pepe rosa e dressing di lime ed evo - (Montone with spicies, red pepper with a dressing of lime and extra virgin olive oil)

(bottom right) Coratina di agnellino, con cipolla, vino bianco e menta -
(Coratina of small lamb and onions, white wine and mint)

(Small dish on left) Lenticchie bio, in umido con sedano, alloro e aglio -
(Bio lentil soup with celery, bay leaf and garlic)

(Bottom left) - Polentina di piselli selvatici, con acciughe ( Polentina of wild local peas with anchovies)

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Susan Wright
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Castelluccio di Norcia
Taverna Casetelluccio -<br />
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Degustazione Tipica - typical tasting:<br />
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(centre) Tortino di pecorino e lenticchie con pere e aceto balsamico - (small tart of pecorino cheese and lentils with pear and balsamic vinegar)<br />
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(top) Termina di Castrato con spezie, pepe rosa e dressing di lime ed evo - (Montone with spicies, red pepper with a dressing of lime and extra virgin olive oil)<br />
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(bottom right) Coratina di agnellino, con cipolla, vino bianco e menta - <br />
(Coratina of small lamb and onions, white wine and mint)<br />
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(Small dish on left) Lenticchie bio, in umido con sedano, alloro e aglio -<br />
(Bio lentil soup with celery, bay leaf and garlic)<br />
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(Bottom left) - Polentina di piselli selvatici, con acciughe ( Polentina of wild local peas with anchovies)